Seinfeldisms: Seinfeld Trivia Category #500

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Seinfeldisms: Seinfeld Trivia Category #500

Category Description

This Seinfeld trivia category is all about the famous sayings and new words from Seinfeld.  Trivia players will need to identify the saying, nickname, or phrase that Seinfeld made famous.  You know what I mean: man-hands, low-talker, etc.  It's a fun and challenging Seinfeld trivia category for Seinfeld fans.

Sample Easy QuestionName the Seinfeldism: One who is prejudiced against tooth doctors. (1 word)

Sample Medium QuestionName the Seinfeldism: Limb spasms during sleep. (2 words)

Sample Hard QuestionName the Seinfeldism: "The lure of the animal" used to describe Kramer (1 word)